Eyelash Treatments can address your immmediate concerns as well as preventing future problems

Eyelash Treatments

Eyelid and Eyelash Problems

Eyelid and eyelash problems can be very painful and can even affect your sight if left untreated. The eyelids and eyelashes act as protective barriers for our eyes and help ensure your eyes don’t dry out.

There are several eyelid conditions that can cause discomfort:

  • Ingrowing eyelashes (Trichiasis)
  • Outward-turned eyelids (Ectropion)
  • Inward-turned eyelids (Entropian)
  • Eye lash thinning
  • Blepharitis and MGD

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Eyelid and Eyelash Problems

Use the slider to demonstrate a typical eyelid and eyelash problem.

Here you can see ingrowing eyelashes. A condition which is called Trichiasis.

The eyelashes continually rub and irritate the surface of the eyes, causing itchiness and a gritty feeling and a sensation that you have something in your eye.

To determine the cause of your eyelid or eyelash problem book a visit for a comprehensive eye exam.

Do you have any questions?
Contact us anytime.

Eyelash Treatment : Our Clinic Approach

At the Eye Health Clinic we take a complete and systemic approach to address any problems associated with you eyelids and eyelashes.

A typical assesment will involve the following approach :

  • Exclude systemic causes or habits including any environmental factors and medications
  • Exclude local causes
  • A thorough eye assessment to exclude Blepharitis and MGD
  • A complete record or your treatment including digital photographas and records of your eyelash and Iris colour
  • A follow up assessment at 3 months

Simple Steps To Healthier Eyes

Intense Pulse Light

A new effective treatment for MGD and Dry Eye sufferers

Intense Pulse Light is a technological breakthrough for the treatment of dry eye and its associated conditions. Stop the vicious cycle of dry eye due to meibomian gland dysfunction, displacing drops and drugs and providing long-lasting results.

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A quick, comfortable procedure offering instant relief from Dry Eye

MiBoFlo is a new treatment designed for dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction. The eye and eyelid are gently massaged resulting in an increased flow of natural tear oils from your meibomian glands bringing instant relief.

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The latest treatment for Blepharitis and the relief of Dry Eye

BlephEx is the latest treatment for Blepharitis and for the relief of Dry Eye. With BlephEx we can thoroughly and precisely eliminates the flakes and bacterial debris from your lid margins, which are the main causes of inflammatory lid disease.

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Dry Eye Treatment

If you suffer from dry eye, you may have sought treatment with limited results. At the eye health clinic we find the source of the problem and treat it correctly.

If your eyes feel sore, gritty, red or tired and you use your mobile, laptop, desktop and other digital devices daily, you need to take action now. Computer Vision Syndrome causes dry eyes, and if left unchecked, can lead to serious eye problems.

Treatments include: IPL, MiBoFlo and BlephEx

Eyelashes Enhancement

At the eye health clinic we can enhance your eyelashes whilst addressing any problems you have with your eyelashes. Eyelid and eyelash problems can be very painful and can even affect your sight if left untreated. The eyelids and eyelashes act as protective barriers for our eyes and help ensure your eyes don’t dry out.

Dark Circles Management

Many people often think dark circles under the eyes are caused by lack of sleep and being tired, while this can be the case, there are also various other reasons why dark circles appear under the eyes.

Puffy Eyelids Treatment

Puffy eyes and dark circles are very common and can give you a tired and old appearance. This can cause you to feel embarrassed, and affect your confidence and self-esteem. The best solution for puffy eyes and dark circles will depend on the underlying cause.

Treatments are available at the Eye Health Clinic.

Cataracts Treatment

What is Cataract Treatment?

Contact Lens Problems are common in the UK
Did you know that there is an actual proper side to wearing your lenses?
There are many types and sizes of contact lenses and its important to make sure you are using the correct lenses for your eyes.
If your eyes are stinging, burning, itching or painfull remove the lenses immediately and seek advice.

Glaucoma Management

The damage caused by glaucoma can’t be reversed. But treatment and regular checkups can help slow or prevent vision loss, especially if you catch the disease in its early stages.

Glaucoma is treated by lowering your eye pressure (intraocular pressure). Depending on your situation, your options may include prescription eyedrops, oral medications, laser treatment, surgery or a combination of any of these.

Dry and Wet Macular Degeneration

Treatments depend on the type of AMD you have.

Dry AMD – there’s no treatment, but vision aids can help reduce the effect on your life.

Wet AMD – you may need regular eye injections and, very occasionally, a light treatment called “photodynamic therapy” to stop your vision getting worse.


At the Eye Health Clinic we srtive to bring to our customers the very latest techniques and technologies in eye care.

One such example is a brand new concept of using a persons own immune system to treat many eye disorders especially dry eye syndrome.

This is a new field of treatment and we are working with technology partners to bring this to the UK

Our Vision

For Our Customers

To improve our patients’ quality of life by providing each and every patient with the best possible treatments

Our Promise

We promise to treat you as an individual with respect and understanding

What you can expect

You can expect clinical excellence offering the latest techniques to the highest standards


To provide our customers with the highest possible clinical results

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